Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Foundation stone laid for Don Bosco Aspirantate at Mankulam

The commemoration of the Birthday of Don Bosco, 16th August 2013, is a red letter day in the annals of the Vice Province of Sri Lanka. The foundation stone for the aspirantate for the Northern Region was laid on this day at Mankulam in the Kilinochchi District, witnessed by many salesians, priests, sisters, local parishioners, and neighboring people of other faiths. 

Rev.Fr.Nihal Liyanage the Provincil Superior of the Vice Province of Sri Lanka on this occassion thanked the Bishop of Jafna Most Rev. Thomas Soundranayagam for consenting to donate the land for the aspirantate. The Provincial Superior thanked the Rector Major, Very Rev. Fr. Pascual Chavez and Fr.Jayapal the Provincial of Chennai for the financial support for the construction of the aspirantate.

Fr.Nihal further thanked the Dean of the Mullaitivu Deanery, Fr.Javis, the parish priest of Mankulam, Fr.James Pathianathan, Fr.Pius, Sr.Rajeshwari, Fr.Shiran, the Provincial Economer and all those who were instrumental in making the aspirantate become a reality. He informed the gathering that the patron of the aspirantate  will be  ‘Blessed Michael Rua’ according to the wish of the Rector Major. The name of the Aspirantate will be Don Bosco Aspirantate

The foundation stones for the aspirantate was blessed by Fr.Javis and laid by Fr.Nihal, followed by Fr.Javis, Fr.James, Fr.Shiran, Fr.K.P.Paul the Provincial Councilor & Rector of the present aspirantate at Murunkan, Fr.Pius, Fr.Arokiasamy the incharge of Don Bosco Kilinochchi, Fr.Hemantha, Fr.Melvin and Sr.Rajeswari. The function concluded with a sumptuous lunch for all the invitees. 

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