Tuesday, February 12, 2013

III PC of the Vice Province of St. Joseph Sri Lanka

The 3rd Provincial Chapter of the Vice Province of Sri Lanka has commenced on the 11th of February 2013. 
His Eminence, Malcolm Cardinal Ranjith, Archbishop of Colombo graced the occasion by being the Main Celebrant at the Concluding Holy Eucharist of the PC III on 15th February 2013. His eminence invited all the Salesians to be faithful to the Charisma of Don Bosco and  quoting Holy Father he stated that religious will nourish a faith that can illuminate the Religious vocation. And for this it is necessary to be with Him, in the silence of adoration; and thereby reawaken the wish to share — and the joy of sharing —starting ever anew from this encounter of love, you leave everything to be with him and like Him, to put ourselves at the service of God and youngsters.

His Eminence, Malcolm Cardinal Ranjith, Archbishop of Colombo was having a friendly chat with Rev. Fr. Maria Kanaga, Regional Councilor, South Asia, Rev. Nihal Liyanage, the Superior of the Vice Province and Rev. Fr. Dixon the Vicar of the Vice Province.

His Eminence, Malcolm Cardinal Ranjith, Archbishop of Colombo and the Chapter members sat for the photo session.

The Salesian Vice Province of St. Joseph Sri Lanka, began its 3rd Provincial Chapter on 10th February, 2013 at Dungalpitiya - Don Bosco, with a recollection preached by Fr. K.P Paul the Rector of Don Bosco Murunkan. The inaugural Mass began the following day at 7.00 a.m. His Excellency, Most Rev. Dr. Joseph Spiteri, the Apostolic Nuncio was the Main Celebrant for the Inaugural Mass of the Holy Spirit and Excellency's momentous message made the Inaugural session more significant.

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